Baba Ramdev yog shivir at Bilaspur, Himachal Pradesh concluded with a great success. Prem Kumar Dhumal, Himachal Chief Minister assured Ramdev ji of all cooperation to Patanjali Yog Peeth and encouraged to keep on popularizing Yoga all across the Himachal State. Many MLA's, M.P.'s also attended the yog cam along with other local residents.
TV channels around the global frequently broadcast Yoga Programmes by Baba Ramdev, which are actively viewed by millions of viewers. Here we have complied the latest list of programmes being broadcasted on various TV Channels. Don't forget to check them out. Channel Language Timings Frequency Zee TV Hindi 4 - 5 am Daily Zee Marathi Hindi 5.30 - 6.30 am Daily Zee Bangla Hindi 8 - 9 am Daily Zee Tamil Tamil 5 - 6 am Daily Zee Telugu Telugu 5 - 6 am Daily Zee Punjabi Hindi 8 - 8.30 am Daily Zee Classic Hindi 5 - 6 am Daily Zee Premier Hindi 5 - 6 am Daily Zee News Hindi 5.00 - 6.00 am Daily ...